River restoration in Latvia
Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose…

River restoration in Estonia
Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose…

The translation of John Kärki´s article is finally here!
The article by Johan Kärki from 2019 in “Allt om flugfiske” (all about fly fishing) is finally translated into the languages of the member states of the Retrout project. The article is about the early stages of Retrout and the electro fishing…

Flyfishing article about Retrout will be available soon
Soon, translations of John Kärki´s article in “Allt om flugfiske” (all about flyfishing) from 2019 will be published here on the Retrout website. The article concludes the early work of Retrout, and the story starts with the electrofishing…

Summary of the Retrout final Conference
The final conference for Retrout was held February 17, 2021, and was, due to the pandemic, a digital event. During the conference the Retrout-movie premiered, and multiple presentations and interesting discussions was held.
The Retrout final…

Final conference!
Join us to learn more about the link between river restoration measures and fishing tourism in an on-line conference. Results of the RETROUT project will be presented together with expert talks on river restoration and fishing tourism development.

Gustaf Almqvist in “Landsbygd i centrum”
In the latest issue of “Landsbygd I centrum” a Swedish newspaper produced by the county administrative board in Stockholm Gustaf Almqvist was interviewed about RETROUT. Follow the link to read what he said, unfortunately it is only available…

Study visit in Estonia, 2019
In September of 2019 a study visit took place in Estonia with representatives from RETROUT and participations from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland and Sweden. The aim of the visit was to present and discuss Estonian RETROUT project…

Creating habitats for migrating fish
The Swedish angler and fishing association (Sportfiskarna) have been creating habitats migrating fish such as trout. They are created so that the river will be more suited for spawning and for juveniles to grow before they head out to sea again.…

River restoration in Bränningeån, Södertälje municipality
One of the rivers that is a part of the RETROUT restorations project is located in Södertälje municipality, south of Stockholm, Sweden. This area was identified to have the potential for being a suitable mating ground for the sea trout. For…