Entries by Emma Lemos

River restoration in the Baltic Sea region: best practices and recommendations for successful projects

This report is based on the findings in all restoration related activities in the Retrout project. The conclusions from the study of successful and failed restoration projects form the basis of the best practice recommendations for river restoration activities. The demonstration cases added additional information. In short, the recommendations are: A successful restoration project is […]

Sea trout populations and rivers

In this report an assessment of sea trout populations in the Baltic Sea rivers is presented. The present status is compared to the potential production of young sea trout (smolt). The result is a basin wide assessment of the status of the Baltic sea trout rivers. A blacklist of rivers with less than 20% of […]

Economic Impact of Fishing tourism to the regional economy

A pilot study of the economic impact of fishing tourism in the Kurzeme region in Latvia was performed. This would provide an indication to the potential of fishing tourism and could later be expanded into larger regions using similar methods when more time and resources are available. The results of the pilot study show that […]


A multi-factorial analysis in the BSR One of the sub-projects under RETROUT addressed the challenge of improving the ecological status of river courses in the BSR, potentially leading to larger fish stocks which is a prerequisite for a growing fishing tourism industry. This sub-project aimed to finally propose “Best Practice Solutions” for efficient and sustainable […]

Virtual study visits in Poland

Experience the river restorations made in Poland in a virtual study visit. The RETROUT virtual study visit aims to present the Polish RETROUT project sites where restoration works are being planned. Besides, examples of previously constructed fish passes and critical aspects of fish pass design have been shown. The places we will visit are:   […]


A multi-factorial analysis in the BSR One of the sub-projects under RETROUT addressed the challenge of improving the ecological status of river courses in the BSR, potentially leading to larger fish stocks which is a prerequisite for a growing fishing tourism industry. This sub-project aimed to finally propose “Best Practice Solutions” for efficient and sustainable […]

River restoration in Sweden

Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose of the restoration projects was to demonstrate solutions for improving quality of sea trout river habitats with the aim to increase and secure […]

River restoration in Poland

Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose of the restoration projects was to demonstrate solutions for improving quality of sea trout river habitats with the aim to increase and secure […]

River restoration in Lithuania

Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose of the restoration projects was to demonstrate solutions for improving quality of sea trout river habitats with the aim to increase and secure […]

River restoration in Latvia

Within the RETROUT project, efficient river restoration measures and implementation methods were demonstrated as real restoration projects (whole or parts) based on national and transnational knowledge from research and dialogue. The purpose of the restoration projects was to demonstrate solutions for improving quality of sea trout river habitats with the aim to increase and secure […]