The translation of John Kärki´s article is finally here!
The article by Johan Kärki from 2019 in “Allt om flugfiske” (all about fly fishing) is finally translated into the languages of the member states of the Retrout project. The article is about the early stages of Retrout and the electro fishing…

Flyfishing article about Retrout will be available soon
Soon, translations of John Kärki´s article in “Allt om flugfiske” (all about flyfishing) from 2019 will be published here on the Retrout website. The article concludes the early work of Retrout, and the story starts with the electrofishing…

Summary of the Retrout final Conference
The final conference for Retrout was held February 17, 2021, and was, due to the pandemic, a digital event. During the conference the Retrout-movie premiered, and multiple presentations and interesting discussions was held.
The Retrout final…